
Rails UI themes represent a collection of design patterns put to use. You can use them as is or tweak a theme using the combined design system to extend your application further.

Due to the unique nature of any given application, themes are incomplete by design; however, you may leverage them to fast-forward the design process on additional views that don't already exist inside your application.

Easy editing

Because everything integrates into your application, you can freely edit any CSS and customize colors, typography, components, and more.

Rails UI configuration steps are straightforward, thus making customization limitless later.

Because we can't predict every view you will need in the future, we start with the basics regarding the more common pages many applications need.

What's in a given theme?

A theme comprises pre-built views (optional), common UI components, and a design system. Combine the two, and you have a professionally designed application ready for scale.

As Rails UI evolves, additional optional views and more advanced components will accompany each theme. Those who need to become savvier with design save time and effort by teaming up with something like Rails UI.


After installing a theme, you cannot change it using the Rails UI configuration editor. If you change themes or go in a different direction, starting with a new Rails application is best.

More themes are coming

During the Alpha Rails UI will be free and feature two base themes to choose from for free. I'll be expanding the theme offering before shipping the official premium version of Rails UI.

Example Rails UI Theme: Retriever

Components and design are shown in a prototype state. Once translated to code, I polish it all up considerably.