

Rails UI ships as a Ruby gem but we host on Github for the time being. The update process is fairly simple if you use Bundler and Git.

The source code is kept on GitHub for easier updates, releases, and distribution. Eventually the free version will make its way to

Updates with Bundler

Run bundler's update command to trigger updates. This should pull down the latest version.

bundle update railsui

or just update all your gems

bundle update --all

If you want to update to a certain version of the gem you can do so using bundlers versioning options. Read more about those here.

You'll need a subscription to gain ongoing access to premium templates, components, design systems, and mailers.

Updates to the free and premium gem will be pushed and available in batched versioned releases.

V2 to V3 Updates

Version 2 of Rails UI has since been sunset. Unfortunately, there is no upgrade path we can share. Version 3 was a rewrite of the gem and how Rails UI works to enable better flexibility. Version 3 offers the ability to swap themes, install on new and existing rails apps, and countless other smaller features. We chose this direction to enable more efficient development in the future and allow folks with existing apps the ability to use Rails UI.

You can find version 2 on a dedicated branch on the Github repo. If you're an active user of this version be sure to update your Gemfile with the appropriate branch.

Version 2

bundle update --all
gem 'railsui', github: 'railsui/railsui', branch: 'v2'

Version 3+

Version 3 resides on the main branch.

bundle update --all
gem 'railsui', github: 'railsui/railsui', branch: 'main'